Nayaki Mandap at Thirubhuvanam
Nayaki Mandap at Thirubhuvanam
Supporting the spiritual elevation of the community by supporting the renovation of a Bhajan mandap facility that was offered to Sri Natana Gopala Nayaki Swamigal. This temple facility has been a nucleus of community of Sourashtrians and others who are devotees of Sri Natana Gopala Nayaki Swamigl.
Weekly bhajans and celebration of divine events such as Krishna Janmashtami, Vaikunda Ekadasi, Dhanurmas Puja are highly noteworthy. Devotees that visit this place feel the divine presence of Sri Natana Gopala Nayaki Swamigal. It is an honor to sponsor the renovation work and purify the wealth.
Our target for this initiative is set to $16,000 (approx. Rs.13 Lakhs) towards the construction with the rest coming from local contributions. Please donate generously so we can quickly reach our target so that the facility can start to serve the community sooner.
If you are an employee of a company that provides matching dollars for your donation, please donate through your employer and select “Heritage Chapter” project under “Sourashtra Dhaan Organization” charity.
Please watch the below video to learn about the rich history of this place.

Nayaki Mandap QR
Current Building and Photos of Deities
Building Progress
Upcoming Khumbabishekam Details
Khumbabishekam is scheduled on June 16th Sunday (Kurodhi, 2nd of Avani Tamil month). it is a grand 3 day event. Event details with invitation is listed below.